Cybercrawler’s Weblog

Just another weblog

Yahoo Outsourcing Search Ads To Google

If you can’t beat em (or even come close) then join em!

CNBC is reporting that Yahoo is now outsourcing its search Ads to Google. As you can see below the stock immediatly tanked then rebounded slightly.

Yahoo Google

Have yet to see any news on the web yet.

April 15, 2008 Posted by | News | , , , , | Leave a comment

10k ppc experiment part2

This is a second and final post to my experiment with pay per click engines. This is mostly based on my theories and social engineering. Please make sure you do your own research before jumping into PPC. For a smarter approach to ppc check out graywolfs excellent series called Adsense Arbitrage:

Final Target Acquisition:

So I feel somewhat comfortable with Adwords but I still felt that I could get more bang for my buck… well more buck for my buck to be technical. So I started doing some research more research. What is it that we are selling? Well in order for a Ringtones ad to “convert��? a user has to put in there phone number then they are text messaged a pin code they must enter into a site. This I a very nice 2 step process for a payout unlike some other things. Who is most likely to freely give out there phone number? Ya… your kids.

So we know we can already eliminate Nextel because they cant use any of the Ringtones offers were are doing. Now lets look at some further demographics of our targets. After doing a quick Google search we see that the average age of cellular phone users is 21. Also you can see that Verizon Wireless customers are very choosy and like to shop around. I attribute this to the fact the have the oldest userbase in the industry with an average user age of 25. In my mind this makes them not such a good target. The next highest age on average is Sprint with an average age of its users being 23. Sprint also has the 2nd most corporate clients behind Nextel which makes them (in my opinion) less likely to submit there phone number to a website for some “No Charge��? Ringtones.

So I am going to target Cingular and T-mobile users. Cingular in my opinion is the best demographic to target. They have an average age of 19 years old. T-Mobile is VERY close with an average age of 19.5.

Now I check this data with the data from my previous conversions:

Cingular: 38%
Tmobile: 34%
Sprint: 25%
Verizon 18%

This is just going off of my previous Adwords data this means that for every 10 Cingular people that are clicking on my ad I am converting 1.8 For Tmobile 1.7 and you can guess the rest.

So if the offer pays 15$ and I have an 18% conversion that means I am Grossing 2.70 cents per click. For 38% I am grossing 5.70 cents per click.

So now we have some numbers to work with. Lets move on before my head explodes.

Adwords: I run all offers on only the Google network. I do not run on any content network ( earthlink. etc) I just find that I get a bad return on those. I am sure they work fine for other niches but for me its not doing it. For the most part with Adwords I set my bids and had a max budget of 300$/day. Fire and forget. I stayed strong on my Adwords bids. I have data that shows what I need to spend to convert so there really is no guesswork involved. If the bid goes up then I am not showing ads. If it comes down then my ads are in full effect.

CPM Targeting for the win… Here is a dirty secret. CPM target sites where the only good content is the AdSense ad. Here is the deal… with AdSense lets say it costs you 6$ to be #1 for Verizon Ringtones for search results… but ohh wait, what is this??Why it’s the #1 ORGANIC Google result for the phrase “Verizon Ringtones��? and it only costs me 10$ CPM (cost per 1,000 impressions or roughly 1 cent per impression). Since this ad is really the only relevant content it converts REALLY WELL.

In general site targeting these sites is a really good investment. These guys only build these sites for 1 reason… to get AdSense clicks and the other dirty secret about them is they convert really well because the user gets exactly what they were searching for. The key to finding them is just searching on various search engines. Google for the most part does not feel these sites should get good organic listing but that does not mean that they are not making money off of MSN and Yahoo ranking these sites high. Make sure you search them also for these kinds of sites.

Yahoo Search Marketing:

Yahoo Search Marketing was quite a bit more fire and forget then Adwords. I did not have to write 80 million ads to get my quality score up and this was really pretty simple. I scraped about 15,000 terms up using overture inventory, Google suggest and some other tools around the net for anything related to “Ringtones��?. I went ahead and approved any bid that it said cause I was going to edit them later…. MISTAKE!!! I had stayed up all until 5am to get all these terms in and it said it would take up to 3-5 days to approve them… well crap. I am going to bed. Then I wake up and they were approved and I burned through about 1800$ DOH. Some clicks were as high as 8$!!! I did get some return on my investment but my first day of yahoo was a bummer due to my lack of foresight. I now have set my daily budget to 300$ and also adjusted all my approved bids to 13 cents. Amazingly enough I got a decent amount of traffic from this that was converting. I really like yahoos placement targeting where you can specify where you want to be placed. I choose to be in position 3 and while that made my average cost go up about 600% I also got a TON more exposure.

Over all I was surprised at the lack of features with Yahoo Search Marketing. I mean these guys have been doing this the longest right? (Formally known as overture) That’s what I thought anyway… I hate having to wait DAYS to see if my listings get approved… and also I found the editing of listings to really suck. If I wanted to change something even if it was the website address it almost always got denied… They defiantly have some improving to do.

MSN AdCenter:

Ok positives first… MSN is by far the cheapest place to buy clicks. You can get tons of good 5 cent clicks. Also the traffic seems to convert 3-4% better then any other PPC program I tested. Also with MSN I did not have to write assloads of ads. It was pretty much fire and forget.

The downsides to AdCenter:

* There is not much traffic… even for top phrases. I had set my budget on AdCenter to 300$/day and it never got close to that.

* Import/export really sucks… forget trying to mass import large-scale keyword lists. I ended up doing them about 100 at a time and that… sucked….


Adbrite is really the true diamond in the ruff. You have to search for them a bit but you can find them pretty easy. I never paid more then 8 cents a click and got many clicks for around 2-3cents.

Adbrite is somewhat a different monster then the others. You pay on a time period based level for the most part so you want to encourage users to click on the ads as much as possible. Because it costs you the same. The goal for Adbrite is to get as many clicks as possible.

The Bottom Line:

Over all the 40k experiment turned out to be a really profitable experiment. I have tried not to focus too much on specific numbers because people always get so hung up on figures. In order to comply with the broad TOS seemed to be shared by most of these PPC engines I am not going to specifics. I will say that on the whole Adbrite performed by far the best bang for the buck. I will say that Adbrite performed the best profit wise and CPC wise. Also keep in mind that I only played in the Ringtones arena and my methodologies produce many different results then others.

In March using these 4 networks I budgeted $40,000.00 Of that $40,000.00 I was only able to spend $28,932.75 for a total gross return of $144,329.29 for the month of march from and Ringtones affiliates. The last parting words I have is do your homework. Find out what you need to spend to make a profit then stand strong on your bids. I HIGHLY recommend not using any automated bidding software for PPC-> affiliate.

Good Luck!

Source: shoemoney

April 15, 2008 Posted by | adsense, it, seo, Tips & Trick, webmaster | , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

11 Ways That Google Detects Invalid Clicks

We always hear that Google has a sophisticated system to detect the invalid clicks, and result in termination of the cheaters’ account. But, how can Google do that? In this post, I summarize those ways that Google depends on to detect whether the clicks on your site are invalid or not. Google will not first ban your account immediately. Rather, they will first flag your account and Google will keep a closer eye to your account. In some occasion, they may send you a warning letter to notify your situation; but sometimes not.

1. IP Address

It is the easist and must be recognized by everyone. If those clicks on your ads are originated from the same IP Address as the one used for accessing your AdSense account, your account is flagged.

2. Click Through Rate (CTR)

Normally, Click thru Rate should not excees 10%. Otherwise, Google will flag your account. For your information, normal CTR should ranges from 0.5% – 10%.

3. Physical Location

Google has good tracing software and technology.They can trace traffics origin down to the small town. So, using different computers with different IP address does not secure anything. So, don’t try to click your ads in various internet cafes. That will kill you.

4. Cookies

Most home users do not use static IP Address for Internet connection. In most cases just disconnect and reconnect will give you a new IP Address. But don’t forget, Google has set cookies on your computer. They can trace these cookies and see whether they originate from the same computer.

5. Click Pattern 1

It is also suspicious when people click on their clicks and then run away immediately (hit-and-run). But normally, people will surf for a while inside your pages and then click on the ads they want.

6. Click Pattern 2

why this computer / IP address / person is so trigger-click-happy on this particular website but never click on the ads on other sites?


7. Click Pattern 3

And why is it that people accessing these sites direct (type-in URL or from bookmark) tend to be very active ad-clickers compared with those referred from search engine or other sites?

8.Other Google Services

Apart from Google Adsense, Google also provide a series of services to us. Don’t just think that it is safe if you do not log in your adsense account and click on your ads. What other Google services do they provide to us? Here are some: Gmail (most poeple are using it), Google Earth, Google Calendar, Google Search, Google Toolbar, Google Talk, Google Sitemap, Google Desktop, Blogger, or even Youtube (coz Google has just recently acquired it).

9. Search Engine Ranking
Your website is not indexed on any search engine, not linked by any prominent website, but get consistently high traffic? How come people can access your website and click your ads? That will make Google to smell a rat.

10. Webpage design
How about the “Please click a link below” or “donate us by clicking the ads”? These kinds of encouragement is not in line with Google’s TOS. Google can use their winning search engine, or even human eyes to check your sites from time to time.

11. Advertisers conversion rate

Ad click is one thing. But does it bring value to the advertisers? If none of the clicks on your site translate to conversion to the advertiser, you are in trouble. First the Smart-Pricing hits, then your AdSense account disabled.

Source : Adsense Decoder

April 15, 2008 Posted by | adsense, Tips & Trick, webmaster | , , , , , | Leave a comment

10 Reasons Why The Google YouTube Deal Makes Sense

GooTubePeople have been commenting like “OHH MY GOD THE BUBBLE IS STARTED AGAIN” and “Why would Google buy the site when they already run AdSense”

Ok its not rocket science let me explain…

Yes, YouTube currently does run AdSense which actually tells Google exactly what kind of income they are making. The thing is Google is only getting between 10-20% of the revenue based on there revshare agreement with Youtube.

Did you forget that more then 85% of Googles TOTAL Profit comes from Adsense? Did you also forget that the Yahoo Publisher Network, Microsoft and eBay (to name the biggest) have just launched (or are about to launch depending on your location) rivals to Googles AdSense contextual Advertising Product?

Earlier this year Google Signed a 900 million dollar deal to advertise on MySpace and other Fox properties like IGN. Now the last time I checked there was no AdSense on Google Video. If Google BUYS YouTube for 1-2 Billion then re-brands it under YouTube (which I was told is the plan) then they will be doing several things which make so much sense to me anyway:

  1. Merging to form the biggest video network – Does there really need to be anything said about this?
  2. Land-grab for publisher space – Both Microsoft and Yahoo are trying to get a foothold in contextual advertising market but without the brand recognition and volume of traffic of the largest sites on the internet it will make it more difficult.
  3. Block out Microsoft – This move is a total IN YOUR FACE to Microsoft, which currently has a 600 million dollar offer on the table to YouTube for Advertising.
  4. Making the 800 LB Gorilla even bigger – Adsense is thier bread and butter. Why not make it grow.
  5. Gotta spend it somewhere – Google HAS to spend money on stuff they cant sit on HUGE amounts of capitol or the stock holders will get pissy right quick and want a dividend. They have run out of web based Microsoft products to buy =P
  6. Why rent when you can own – Ok really… is 1.6 or 2 BILLION dollars that much? Especially when your dishing out 900 Million renting ad space on a site. Why not buy it and call it your own.
  7. Already have the data – YouTube Already runs AdSense so Google can currently see the statistics on revenues.
  8. Bandwidth is not a issue – Supposedly YouTubes biggest expense is bandwidth. Google has 10x more bandwidth on idle then YouTube will ever need and they are already paying for that.
  9. Legal issues are not issues – Cmon your talking about the company that scans library books and puts them online… AND GETS AWAY WITH IT
  10. Google needs to stick to what it knows – Google has bought so much crap that has been a complete money sink. The one thing they know makes them TONS of money is places users go where they can throw ads in there face. This works.

Source: shoemoney

April 15, 2008 Posted by | News | , , , , , | Leave a comment

Google Adsense Banning Users For SEO?

Google Adsense Banning Users For SEO?
I got some emails and these could not wait for mailbag monday…

Hi Shoe-
Yesterday I noticed Google Adsense changed many things. One is this:

“Sites displaying Google ads may not include: Deceptive or manipulative content or construction to improve your site’s search engine ranking, e.g., your site’s PageRank”

So does this mean I will get banned from Adsense for optimizing my site for search engines now?



Ray – Interesting view on that. I am 100% sure it is not Googles goal to ban SEO’s from Adsense. I think Google is just trying to be as broad as possible with there terms of service (as any company is). When was the last time you actually read a terms of service? I think you will find many of them try to give the company a “its not our fault you violated TOS”.

I think you are probably safe to proceed to SEO your site with what adhears to the Google Webmaster Guidelines.

Basically you cant cloak or do what Google considers “blackhat stuff”… Well unless you are a major news paper. (sorry had to do it)

Source: shoemoney

April 15, 2008 Posted by | it, seo, webmaster | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Adsense Slaps Foreign Webmasters in the Face

Google today announced they are changing their referal payout system and some big publishers really feel its a slap in the face.

Here are the 2 key points:

If you’re in North America, Latin America, or Japan, the pricing structure for AdSense referrals is changing.

What does it mean? Basically that you are going to make less money… a lot less money. Ill sumerize it for you. The current payment structure you get $5 who makes $5 (in 180 days). You get $250 for referring someone who makes $100 (in 180 days) and if you refer 25 people who make $100 within 180 days you get a BONUS PAYMENT of $2000 WOOT.

What is it going to? Well its going back to the old you only get $100 if you refer $100.

So why does this suck? Well I am guessing 80% or more of the people refered make less then $100 in 180 days. This means you get BUTKUS:

OK so I hear you foreigners… This doesnt effect you right… Well technically right this rule does not apply to you. Ohh but Adsense has something for you.

If you’re outside of North America, Latin America, and Japan, AdSense referrals will be retired.

They are terminating your referral program completely…. thats right… If you are not in the Americas, or Japan… your done.

From Australian based Darren Rowse AKA Problogger:

Yes you hear me right, its about the location of you as a publisher that excludes you from participating in the AdSense referral system. It’s got nothing to do with your audience’s location, the topic you write about, the quality of your blog or any other factor – it’s about where you blog from.

I’m not privy to the reasoning for this – they simply say ‘We’ve found that this referral product has not performed as well as we had hoped in these regions’ – but in my mind this is stupidity to the ultimate degree.

Source: shoemoney

April 15, 2008 Posted by | it, seo, webmaster | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Bagaimana Membuat Website yang Baik dan Benar

Disini saya akan berusaha memaparkan bagaimana membangun sebuah website/blog yang baik dalam segi design, script dan struktur yang memenuhi persyaratan SEO (Search Engine Optimization), sehingga akan mendapatkan kekuatan yang cukup handal dalam merebut posisi di Search Engine dan menghasilkan trafik/jumlah pengunjung yang baik.

Sebelum kita membuat suatu website maupun blog, ada beberapa tahap/langkah persiapan yang tidak boleh kita abaikan begitu saja (selain non teknis seperti disiplin dan kesabaran), karena hal ini akan mempengaruhi berkembang tidaknya website/blog kita. Langkah-langkah tersebut diantaranya :


  1. Pencarian dan pemilihan “Niche” ataupun bidang yang akan kita kelola. Hal yang patut dipertimbangkan dalam menentukan niche ini diantaranya : popularitas bidang dan pemahaman kita akan bidang tersebut. Saya sarankan Anda memilih bidang yang Anda ketahui (kuasai), agar Anda tidak mengalami kesulitan dalam hal penulisan materi site/blog yang akan Anda buat, Kecuali kalau Anda memang benar-benar seorang penulis yang handal dan atau mengetahui banyak sumber materi yang bisa Anda andalkan. Khusus bagi Anda yang mengejar “penghasilan tinggi” dalam waktu cepat, maka Anda harus memasukkan unsur High Paying Keywords (HPK) disini. Hati-hati jangan terjebak data-data HPK yang tidak akurat, yang sesuai dengan logika saja deh D
  2. Optional, hal yang tidak mutlak harus dilaksanakan : pemilihan nama domain, yang harus disesuaikan dengan keyword utama dari niche yang telah kita tentukan. Tidak mutlak karena Anda bisa menggantinya dengan menambahkan subdomain dari domain yang telah Anda miliki sebelumnya (jika ada dan bisa). Jika memang belum punya, maka disarankan untuk membelinya. Jika kocek Anda tipis, belilah sebuah nama domain yang “bisa pas” digunakan banyak bidang, sehingga nantinya jika Anda akan melebarkan bidang ke bidang yang lain, maka Anda tinggal menambahkan subdomain (hati-hati : beli paket hosting yang membolehkan Anda membuat banyak subdomain/domain). Ingat juga saran kami : Hosting domain sendiri lebih baik dibanding gratisan.

Setelah niche kita tentukan, barulah kita bangun website atau blog dengan memperhatikan hal-hal berikut (Catatan : saya bicara tentang bagaimana membuat website yang baik dan benar secara SEO, bukan bagaimana membuat website yang cepat meraup dollar)

Web Design
Sebuah website/blog dengan design yang sedap dipandang mata, isi yang mudah dibaca dan tidak cepat membuat lelah mata serta website yang tidak banyak memakan waktu ketika dikunjungi adalah syarat yang mutlak dimiliki oleh sebuah website/blog jika Anda tidak ingin kehilangan audience/pengunjung website Anda. Dengan demikian Anda harus mendesign sebuah website ataupun blog yang memenuhi syarat tersebut.

Web Script
Script yang baik dan lugas dalam menangani error page, redirect, script yang dapat menghindari asumsi penggandaan isi oleh search engine, script yang mudah beradaptasi terhadap perubahan, script yang dapat menginformasikan setiap perubahan website/blog dengan cepat, script yang membuat website/blog mudah untuk berbagi, dll. harus diperhatikan untuk menciptakan sebuah website/blog dengan kualitas baik.

Web Struktur
Struktur website/blog juga tidak dapat kita abaikan dalam membuat sebuah website yang baik dan benar, karena hal ini akan mempengaruhi posisi website/blog kita di search engine, mempengaruhi mudah tidaknya website kita ditemukan orang dan membuahkan traffic yang baik. Berikut adalah hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan :

  1. Judul Website dan Tag Judul (Title Tag)
  2. Meta Keyword and Meta Description
  3. Link dan atributnya (Title Tag)
  4. Gambar dan atributnya (ALT Tags)
  5. Site Navigation
  6. Sitemap dan sistem arsip
  7. Format URL setiap artikel/halaman (permalink)

Cukup sekian dulu, masih jauh dari cukup untuk menjelaskan bagaimana membuat website ataupun blog yang baik dan benar. Mudah-mudahan dapat saya teruskan dan saya perjelas dilain waktu dan dilain goresan.

Goresan ini merupakan bagian dari Rahasia Memperoleh Trafik . Bagian “pemanasan” dari Bagaimana Membuat Website yang Baik dan Benar. Wedew……masih panjang ternyata perjalanan kita, belum membahas bagaimana memilih niche, bagaimana memilih keywords, bagaimana memilih dan menentukan domain, bagaimana mendesign website atau blog, bagaimana memilih script yang baik dan benar, bagaimana menulis file .htaccess yang baik dan benar, bagaimana membuat file robot.txt yang baik dan benar, bagaimana memilih plugin yang bagus untuk mendukung SEO, Masuk kebagian struktur website : bagaimana struktur permalink yang benar, judul dan atribut-atribut yang lainnya juga bagaimana ?. Blog ini sendiri bukanlah contoh dari aplikasi SEO yang benar ( Tadinya hanya dipersiapkan untuk sebuah komunitas Indonesian Bloggers, dan mempermudah dokumentasi atas sebuah thread diskusi yang telah kami buka).

Selesai menyiapkan website atau blog yang baik dan benar, muncul masalah berikutnya: bagaimana menyediakan isi/konten yang menarik, bermanfaat, banyak dicari, lagi hot dll.

Selanjutnya : Bagaimana memberi kabar pada dunia tentang keberadaan website atau blog kita. Weleh, kapan dapet duitnya….huahahahahaha……

Sekian dulu, dari saya. Ditunggu koreksi, cacian, masukan, komentar dan pertanyaan-pertanyaan lainnya. Kepada rekan-rekan yang mau membantu mempercepat selesainya bahasan ini, yang ingin membantu mewujudkan sebuah website yang merupakan jawaban dan wujud atas pertanyaan 1 juta dollar dalam dunia SEO dan Search Engine saya tunggu. Silakan bergabung dengan Indobloggers dan masukan artikel Anda.

Mari kita berantas korupsi, kolusi, nepotisme…eh ngga nyambung. Mari kita berantas kebodohan dan penimbunan pengetahuan dan informasi !

Merdeka !!!!……


April 15, 2008 Posted by | Tips & Trick, webmaster | , , , | Leave a comment

Dimana Mencairkan Cek Google Adsense ?

Permasalahan yang sering terjadi setelah memperoleh “penghasilan” dari Google Adsense sebagai publisher adalah bagaimana dan dimana kita mencairkan draft cek (cheque draft) tersebut.

Dalam kesempatan ini saya tidak akan membahas tentang bagaimana cara mencairkan cek tersebut, akan tetapi dimana (saya) mencairkan cek tersebut ?. Hal ini  tentunya berkaitan erat dengan  beberapa faktor utama yang menjadikan pertimbangan dalam penentuan tempat/jasa pencairan cek tersebut. Faktor utama tersebut antara lain faktor waktu dan faktor biaya.

Pertimbangan Faktor Waktu
Setelah 1 bulan kita “bekerja” atau minimalnya menunggu pendapatan Google Adsense Publisher kita, plus 1 bulan waktu peninjauan ulang dan pengiriman cek Google Adsense. Apakah Anda masih mau menambah waktu kurang lebih 1 bulan lagi untuk  menerima uang cash  Anda ?

Jika lamanya waktu bukan menjadi masalah bagi Anda, Maka Bank lah yang menjadi jawaban dimana kita mencairkan cek Google Adsense kita. Semua Bank yang ada di Indonesia dapat mencairkan cek tersebut selama kurang lebih 2 – 4 minggu. Kebanyakan dari kita tentu tidak bermasalah dengan lamanya waktu pencairan cek  tersebut, karena  pada  akhirnya hal tersebut  akan  menjadi  rutinitas  bulanan kita dalam pencairan cek tersebut. Setiap bulan kita dikirim cek dan setiap bulan kita mencairkan cek.

Jika suatu waktu Anda terdesak dengan keadaan yang memaksa Anda untuk mencairkan cek Anda, Saat ini Anda bisa mengandalkan jasa-jasa “penalang” dalam pencairan cek kilat seperti :,,, dan yang terbaru Ketiga jasa pencair cek kilat yang ditulis pertama berlokasi di Bali, sedangkan yang terakhir dan terbaru berlokasi di Yogyakarta.

Pertimbangan Faktor Biaya Pencairan
Dimanakah saya mencairkan cek Google Adsense dengan biaya termurah ?
Berdasarkan tarif harga yang telah ditentukan oleh Bank dan jasa-jasa penukar cek Google Adsense dan berdasarkan kepada pengalaman saya dalam mencairkan cek Google Adsense,  berikut  ini adalah  rician hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan hal tersebut.

Tarif yang diterapkan oleh Bank.

Bank Citibank
Biaya untuk pencairan cek = Rp. 100.000

Bank Niaga
Harga lama Rp. 50.000/cek , harga baru  1/8% x  besarnya  cek  (minimum Rp. 100.000  dan maksimum  1.500.000 ribu rupiah)  + biaya koresponden  Rp.  150.000.  Biaya total pencairan cek (Inkaso) di Bank Niaga = Rp. 250.000 (minimum).

Bank BCA dan Bank Lain (saya belum pernah, CMIIW)
Biaya pencairan cek sekitar Rp. 100.000 + Biaya koresponden berkisar Rp. 100.000 – Rp. 200.000 an

Dengan demikian biaya pencairan cek untuk Bank yang termurah adalah Rp. 100.000 dan Rata-ratanya adalah Rp. 250.000, dengan lamanya proses pencairan sekitar 2-4 minggu.

Tarif Harga yang Diterapkan Jasa Pencair Cek Kilat
   1. Cek yang terakumulasi sampai $1500 potongannya adalah Rp 100.000/$100
   2. Cek yang terakumulasi sampai $3000 potongannya adalah Rp 90.000/$100
   3. Cek yang terakumulasi sampai $5000 potongannya adalah Rp 80.000/$100
   4. Cek yang terakumulasi diatas $5000 potongannya adalah Rp 70.000/$100

Perlu anda ingat bahwa batas potongan cek adalah Rp 70.000/ $100
2,5 % dari besarnya cek Anda (Minimum Rp. 100.000)  + Rp. 100.000 jika cek Anda > Rp. 10.000.000
2 % dari besarnya cek Anda (Minimum Rp. 100.000)

Wira Swastika(
Rp. 100.000 brapapun nilai cek Anda + pengurangan Rp. 200 dari kurs travel cek Bank BCA (Kurs Bank Niaga)

Faktor Lain
Kurs  yang mereka berikan tentu  mempengaruhi pertimbangan  yang menentukan pemilihan tempat dimana kita akan mencairkan cek Google Adsense.

Berdasarkan pengalaman saya, dibawah ini adalah beberapa contoh  kasus perbandingan kurs $ terhadap rupiah yang diberikan oleh Bank dan Jasa Pencair Cek Kilat, pada hari yang sama.
Bank BCA : 8975 (Diambil dari
Bank Niaga :  8825 (Diambil dari Niaga Ponsel Access + Transaksi) = Bank BCA – Rp. 150 : 8790 (Diambil dari teman yang mencairkan di Sdr. Jody/Baliwebmaker) = Bank BCA – Rp. 185
Wira Swastika : 8675 (Saya sendiri yang mencairkan disini) = Bank BCA – Rp.300

*) Kurs merupakan kurs jasa pencair cek kilat terbaik yang saya ketahui, ketika saya mencairkan,  kursnya = kurs Bank Niaga (dibawah kurs BCA)

Jadi dimana sebaiknya kita mencairkan cek Google Adsense ini ?
Semuanya kembali kepada Anda, tergantung kepada kondisi dan keperluan Anda.

Dalam kondisi terpepet, saya selalu berharap ada jasa pencair cek Google Adsense dengan biaya maksimum Rp. 100.000 dengan kurs yang bagus (Kurs Bank Indonesia atau BCA ), Wira, potongan harga Anda sudah flat Rp.100.000, sayang potongan kursnya masih terlalu besar . Bagi yang memiliki cek Google Adsense < Rp 4.000.000 hampir memenuhi kriteria ini(note : saya tidak tahu kurs balicheque yang fee-nya 2% itu). Bagi yang memiliki pendapatan > Rp. 20.000.000 lebih baik selalu menghindari kondisi terpepet dan selalu mencairkan cek di Citibank. Dengan demikian potongan harga tetap berkisar Rp. 100.000 dengan kurs yang cukup bagus.


April 15, 2008 Posted by | Tips & Trick | , , , , | Leave a comment

Why I do not like 95% of SEO Experts


I claim all the time I am not a SEO and I have never sold SEO services. I always get labeled as a SEO though for some reason. I actually despise being labeled a SEO. Why? SEO’s are like the 21st century car salesmen. Most are slimy and have no clue what they are talking about. They tell you you just need to put spammy keywords in your title tag, keyword tag, and write a spammy as hell description meta tag.

Here is a prime example. In this site this guy says that I am losing money because my title tag does not contain more spammy words I could rank for.

Shoemoney – current title “Shoemoney – Skills To Pay The Bills” (Shoemoney, as famous as you are, I know you already rank great for many keywords, and although the title sounds good, why not optimize it and cash in on more visitors? Come on, dude!)

So its probably a link bait attempt which i am biting on.. however if your going to bait me to link to your site and lecture me on how I can make money you should at least have something on your advertiser page besides a blank page. Your credibility just went out the window.

This is why SEO’s are like used car salesman…

1) They can always sell you something.

2) They can never guarantee results.

3) They can not be held accountable.

4) They have a answer for everything.

5) All the magic happens behind the curtains – they cant tell you what they are actual doing because that would be getting to much into the secret sauce.

6) Anyone can be a SEO.

Here is my advice to anyone thinking about getting SEO services:

Concentrate on building a quality service. One that people will actually WANT TO BOOKMARK and comeback to. When I showed my stats from Nextpimp and this site people kept asking how I get so many “direct” hits. Its like people don’t know you can goto a web site without going to a god-damn Search Engine. When you create a good, useful service/site people will actually want to come to your site without you spamming Google.

Source: Shoemoney

April 15, 2008 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Bagaimana Blogger Terkemuka Meraup Dollar

Mari kita lihat dan pelajari apa yang membuat blogger terkemuka seperti Markus Frind, Mark Frauenfelder, Steve Pavlina, Jane May, Tyler Cruz, Yaro Starak, Joel Comm, Everton Blair, Jeremy Schoemaker (Shoemoney), Darren Rowse, Perez Hilton, Matt Coddington , Jhon Chow meraup dollar dari blog-blog mereka.

Apa sebenarnya hal-hal yang sering kita sepelekan, hal-hal yang kadang tidak kita perhatikan dan sebenarnya merupakan kunci dari keberhasilan dalam dunia bloggers. Mari kita lihat dan pelajari dari beberapa blog dan blogger terkemuka berikut ini.
Mulai online : January, 2000
Founder : Mark Frauenfelder
Penghasilan : Over $1 million a year
Jumlah penulis : 4 orang
Banyaknya artikel/hari : 20 – 40
Jumlah pengunjung/hari : Lebih dari 300.000
Mulai online : June, 2005
Founder : Michael Arrington
Penghasilan : $200,000/bulan
Jumlah penulis : 3 orang
Jumlah pengunjung : 5 million page views/bulan
Banyaknya artikel/hari : lebih dari 40
Penghasilan : $110,000/bulan.
Founder : Jeremy Schoemaker
Jumlah pengunjung : 20,000+ unique visitors/hari
Penghasilan : > $12,000/bulan

Bagaimana Dengan Indobloggers

Saya yakin, sebenarnya blogger Indonesia juga tidak terlalu tertinggal oleh mereka. Hanya saja keberadaan blogger kita belum banyak tercium dunia.

Diantara blogger kita yang cukup sukses, dan sebetulnya layak bersanding dengan para blogger terkemuka diatas, diantaranya : Cosa Aranda ( 90.000.000/bulan), Keeper dll. Sebetulnya saya masih mengetahui : ada beberapa orang lagi yang penghasilan meraup $ dari internetnya cukup lumayan, tapi saya belum berani menuliskannya disini, dengan alasan : bukan blogger, tidak mengetahui nama asli dan alamat url blognya, dll D

Nantikan : Kisah sukses Indobloggers, kisah sukses para blogger indonesia yang akan kami hadirkan di blog ini.

Sekarang, mari kita introspeksi diri kepada diri kita masing-masing. Berapa banyak artikel yang kita tulis tiap hari ?, berapa banyak jumlah pengunjung yang kita peroleh tiap hari ?, seberapa menarik dan bermanfaat kah artikel yang kita tulis ?, berapa umur blog kita ?. Telah sebanding dengan penghasilan yang kita peroleh juga bukan ?.

Bangun dong, jangan berharap berpenghasilan banyak kalau kita cuma nulis artikel (yang belum tentu menarik dan bermanfaat) 1 buah dalam 1 minggu, itupun kalau sempat dan tidak malas. Saya harap tulisan ini dapat mengingatkan kita (yang belum berhasil) tentang bagaimana suatu keberhasilan itu diraih. Ada aksi ada reaksi, ada input ada output. Jangan cuma mimpi !.

Tetap semangat ! Sukses Selalu, Merdeka !


April 15, 2008 Posted by | seo, Tips & Trick, WordPress | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment